Jul 13, 2005 01:04
Haha, I love a challenge. But seriously, I was working and this attractive high school-senior-looking couple came in. So I make their sandwhiches and ring them up and the girl hands me a discount card. Whatever, we get plenty of those, mostly from the high schools. So, I look at the card to see what it is, and I don't recognize it. The text is in a weird sort of script. But I keep looking and eventually I see that it says "Abstinence til Marrige. So I think, "Okaaaay..." and finish ringing them up. Then I go back and tell Jarrod and Linda about the card. They were both pretty surprised. Jarrod said, "I thought those were only for ugly people." That joke was just so weak that I had to list a few of the ideas that came to mind:
"Jeez, I hope you consider that $1 off your footlong a fair trade."
"I know it must have been a tough decision, but did that card really tip the scale?"
"Does that thing give you a discount on the water bill to make up for all the cold showers?"
and to the boyfriend: "Buddy, just take the sandwhich, you've paid enough."
Oh well, good luck to the two of them.