Just in case you missed it:
1.1 Just in case you forgot... FIRST BABY OF THE LEGACY!
And because babies are boring and nothing worth snapping pictures of happened between birth and birthday...
And he's mighty cute. Hi there Adam honey!
While Stella is very much in love with her husband... it would seem she wanted to, ah, "reconnect" with some of her University honeys.
I kind of hate him by the way. I hate slob sims who slouch and he's one of them.
Stella doesn't seem to mind though.
And suddenly it's winter?
I swear the snow came out of nowhere. And who let the toddler go wandering through the snow without a snowsuit? Stella fails at being a parent.
Stella went inside leaving Adam with the slob. Who by the way, is an idiot.
Adam: I'm hungry! Will you feed me?
Slob: Oh wow you're hungry? Sure I'll feed you kid.
Slob: ...
Adam: Still hungry!
Slob: Oh hi, are you hungry?
Eventually Irfan came home and fed his son since slob boy is all kinds of fail. Granted he left him out in the snow but... we can't have everything now can we?
And Stella is pregnant again. Too bad Irfan isn't the daddy (stupid slob boy!)
Irfan: Ah, boo!
Adam: OMG Daddy why would you do that?
Um, bump...
Irfan is kind of obsessed with every dog that walks by the house.
Adam is going to be a child soon!
I forgot to take a picture though so instead you get a Stella in labor (because I seem to have missed the second bump)
Oh twins!
This is Samuel...
And here comes Stefan, who I didn't take a picture of because honestly, all babies pretty much look the same when they have an alien for a parent.
Irfan does not approve of Stella giving birth when he's trying to eat grilled cheese.
Irfan: It's unsanitary!
Twinsies birthdays! And still no pictures of child Adam, sorry!
Stefan, who is a cutie.
Samuel, who is a little bit less of a cutie but still pretty darned sweet.
I really need to put down bathroom floors. They shouldn't need to weed in front of the bathtub.
Stella: I'm wearing a lab coat. *cackle cackle cackle*
Stella: Irfan fell asleep in his food. *cackle cackle cackle*
Look it's child Adam! Adam wanted a puppy so I got him one.
Adam: Are you sure this is a normal puppy? It looks kind of... derpy.
Fitzwilliam: *derp*
Adam: Here, send him back! I don't want it!
Stella The dog is derpy *cackle cackle cackle*
Twinsie birthdays!
Stefan who looks quite girly for being a boy...
and Samuel
Fitzwilliam grew up into a bigger derpy dog.
Whose favorite thing is to eat Adam's homework.
And dig holes and roll in puddles.
Well this is awkward.
Adam: I want to be just like my daddy when I grow up!
Adam: Or my little brother Stefan.
Oh but you know what? You don't get to see what he looks like until the next update! <3