This is the "band" that is destroying the once great theme song of the Transformers. They have made it the most worst sounding cover of a song that absolutely rocked back in the 80s. As a Generation 1 elitist, I am appalled and disappointed but am I really shocked? No, not really. I could see it coming a mile away. Michael "Motherless ----" Bay couldn't weave gold from a movie like this if his directorial career was on the line, even though it apparently has been, seeing that all his films have been utter horse shit. But nay, he still goes on and goes on and goes on. Another supporter of the cause and fellow G1 Elitist, Anthony says that Stan Bush, the man who wrote and performed "The Touch" and "Dare" from the 80s film, wrote 2 new songs, but was denied. ------- denied. By Michael. -------. Bay. I have added the band, and i will proceed to tell them what I think of their song.
Will you do the same?