Mar 03, 2008 05:36
So... I loved her forever. I've done it since I've know'd (I've always wanted a reason to say "know'd" in a sentence... blame Dylan) her. An' it never ends. The problem bein', she's away. So, I don't bother. An' I try to do... whatever it is I do from here, without caring about anyone else.
Of course it make sense to me, that in my efforts here, I would stumble across someone I actually kinda dig. An' in my diggin'... Well, obviously that went fabulously, because I'm so ridiculously happy, now (insert dripping sarcasm). So in a recent outing, with girl I somewhat dig, I caught myself... in a moment, that I give said girl enough credit to say 'she ignored by choice'... calling her by another name (An' no, get yer minds outt'a the gutter.. wasn't *that* kind of moment, thanks). But still, I caught it... May have been retrospect, but if I did, so did she. An'... it's a name she knows. One that's been in my mind, an' heart for a long time. An' it's one, that I've been... honest enough, with anyone I've been around to mention up front. Which... y'know... sucks a whole bunch. 'Cus closest I've had to a damn thing I've given a fuck about since. I've been effectively unable to get close to anyone for a long time. An' it comes time, when I look like I may be able to... an' there I go. I may as well have told her outright I'm stuck on someone else, an' anything, we may have t'gether... well, it's all fun an' good now... but a word from someone else, an' all you'll get to see would be a dusty outline of me, in poorly drawn clouds.
Which sadly *has* been the way of things. An' it's happened a couple of times over now. Maybe not in quite as an extreme way, but, y'know... s'how it is.
An' y'know what..? I may try this another night. But I'm done right now. So 'til next time faithful reader...
Be safe. Love where applicable.