Project 2010 - an outline

Nov 09, 2008 09:14

So I talked in an earlier post about going to Scotland by 2010. I've been checking out some sites and it's doable if I can scrape together the cash. I'm thinking about expanding it out to include other places, but for now I'm focusing on Scotland because I don't want to get so wrapped up in "what-ifs" that I don't do anything.

On that note, I'm filling out my passport application and it asks for my hair color. Do I put my natural color or the color I dye it? The FAQ doesn't say... And what is up with the fee? It's gone up in the last year....

Birth Certificate copy: $10
Passport Photos: $10
Passport Fees: $100

So that's step one. I'll be able to put in the paper work at the acceptance facility on Thursday. I think step two would be planning out an itinerary by looking at things to do, places to visit, etc... If anyone wants to help with that, I'm all for it! Step three would be raising the cash, i guess? And step four would be actually going there.... Am I missing anything? I've never been abroad before and my travel experience is very limited. Any planning advice would be greatly appreciated!

project 2010

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