A different direction??

Mar 10, 2008 22:34

So yeah, I figured I'd talk a little about this trip I've been referring to lately.

I'm going with a few friends to Los Angeles on Thursday. We're gonna spend two days there and then drive 3 hours to Las Vegas, where we will stay for 4 days before driving back to LA and flying back to Atlanta. It's gonna be a fun trip. I can't wait. I've not been to either place before and I'm going with two very awesome and fun people. I'll also be having my first gay bar/club experience while I'm out in Vegas (hahaha, get the pun?). We're going to hit at least two of the most popular gay clubs out there. I'm looking forward to this more than the actual casinos because my luck is horrible especially when it comes to gambling.

So I got the new phone Thursday night. I still don't understand half of what it does.... It's extremely complicated, BUT I do know that I get my gmail emails on my phone. So if you ever want to contact me, just email me! I also have unlimited texting. I bought a few new themes so it doesn't get confused with my sister's if they get put side by side. I've also got a few ringtones set for people, but other than that, I'm pretty clueless as to all the special features. The learning curve is pretty steep. I hope to be able to sit down for a few hours one night before my trip and figure everything out because I haven't really had the time to yet. But it is rather nifty, I must say.

For more wonderful news, I am officially under 130lbs. I weigh 127 now. I imagine that my clothes would reflect the change more if I were actually doing some toning in addition to the whole diet change. Not really having an appetite for a month caused me to lose 10lbs! I'm almost down to my college weight of 115. I was skinny, but I don't think I looked to good then. Mechaman said that I was too skinny and that I look better now. Maybe if I scan some of the pics in you guys can do a comparison and see if you agree. For now though, I'm happy with my weight and size.

ZOMG.....I just checked my email. I WON A SERVICE AWARD!!!! Complete with bronze plaque!!! I wondered why all of my coworkers started saying congratulations to me in group chat. It was a total surprise! HOLY COW! I'm so happy right now! It makes my otherwise crap-tastic day all better!

Seems things are looking up. I'm keeping my proverbial fingers crossed about a few other things, but overall things seem to be going in a positive direction. I can't even start to relate how happy that makes me.

technology, work, health, awards, trip

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