Well, I made it through the convention. The Con Bug caught me and I've been resting as much as I can the last few days. The good news is that I feel better. The bad news is that I have roughly 2 weeks until I move. If any of you feel like coming over to help me pack, please feel free because I need all the help I need. I'm moving on the 13th of October so if any of you guys feel like helping me move boxes, I pay in food, drink, and booze. There will hopefully also be movies and hanging out. Tomorrow is an "eat my food and hang out day" so if any are interested, just come on by. If you need directions, I'll make a private post later.
_miss_frost, please let me know if you've seen the new episode of CSI. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'm not posting anything about it until I know that you've seen it.
Anyways, moving madness is about to happen so I may be scarce for a while. The cell phone is always a good way to reach me if you wanna find me.