Mar 12, 2013 15:48
Yesterday, almost on a whim, I bought the Samsung Galaxy S3. I wasn't really sure what I wanted, but the sales associate let me try his, and I figure I can't go wrong if the employee's using it. Another anxiety: I was originally on Solo, which got absorbed by Bell. If I changed my plan, I couldn't go back, and seeing that it was an affordable plan, I was really hesitant to switch.
The phone's a lot of fun. I'm still getting used to the touchscreen: I'm used to the tactile sensation of keys, but I really didn't want a BlackBerry. Instead I keep moving my finger to the side to check what I'm writing, which is getting tedious.
I'm already...pretty high for my first day of usage, seeing how I've gone app crazy. >< But I've input my piano schedule into there, and I'm going to try and develop the habit of making notes on it, so I can keep track of everything. Like I've said before, my old system was/is haphazard, and relied a painful amount on memory. I'm hoping this will fix a few of the blunders I had in the past.
We're also getting new tires for the car...sometime. I thought they'd do it today, so I couldn't go out,but it appears that they're not calling me... Peter's also proposed buying me a new blanket (♥), but I want to practically nix the plan because that costs, y'know, money. He had a feel of how out of shape my comforter is and is displeased with what I put up with.
stupid technology