Thor: "Sorry I just cost you your job."

Jun 18, 2011 23:41

I didn't like it much.

I liked the beginning. The movie did a nice job of setting the scene. I liked the idea of magic being science explained. I'm not sure if I agree with how Asgard was depicted, but it did fit in the magic and science combination.

Thor's fall from grace was interesting: I liked watching how he transformed from a bold boy to a prideful warrior to a man in denial before settling on some sort of acceptance with his lot. The range of emotions he displayed and his character development throughout the film really made him identifiable. Thumbs up on acting and obligatory barechested scene!

I read up on the original Jane Foster, and like how she's 'updated' - from a nurse who cares for a fallen Thor to an astrophysicist who wants to pick him apart to understand the universe. I did enjoy all three characters, who played a nice counterbalance to each other: Jane's driven aggressiveness, Darcy's practicality and Erik's paternal protection.

I really enjoyed the scene where Thor's come to accept that he's a mortal (after bringing Erik back from the bar) and explains to Jane the pictures in her notebook. It was touching, and interesting to see that Jane had all the right elements, but didn't know how they worked together. To see Thor connect with her and explain things instead of brash declarations was "awwww" in my head. :)

My opinion of "hey this is really good" changed to "uhhhh" about the point when Loki realizes the truth about himself and Odin falls into the Odinsleep. After that...what felt like a predictable but supported plot became "okay Thor has to come back and Loki has to have an evil plan...what do we have to work with, guys?"

For a trickster as clever as Loki, I was disappointed in how frail the plot was. Instead of twisting words to make them fit the new situation, he's spouting off new stuff in a frantic attempt to cover himself. I would've like to see him less passive and more devious, the plot a lot more complex (or at least sounding more complex) than what they ended up with. It was like "here's a plot's a lame attempt to cover it up." God of Mischief shouldn't sound like he's always grasping at straws!

I'm disappointed that Thor's Warriors Three (Volstagg, Fandrel and Hogun) had absolutely no reason to be there, except that Marvel had them originally. Sif could've done everything herself; the Three could have easily been consolidated down into one character. (Hell, Peter and I couldn't even remember their names.) Also the fight with the Destroyer should've gone on longer, showed off their individual abilities a little more instead of "smack smack smack Sif is badass oh fuck".

I did like the ending. Thor admits he's not ready to be king, meets Heimdall (see subject line), Jane working to find a way to Asgard.

I'm also a little irritated that all this appears to take place in the space of two days. Mostly because I can't imagine Thor changing that quickly.

Overall: started strong, got me worked up, but the explosions couldn't cover my disappointment over how the story withered up.

movies, public

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