hello 2008

Dec 31, 2007 23:20

well it's another exciting new year's eve for me. i'm watching "flight of the conchords" on tv because for some reason my parents have hbo. i got sick of watching ryan seacrest. i was invited to go to a hookah bar tonight but for whatever reason i didn't feel like going out. i would be watching a horror movie right now, but some family is visiting, and we just had a conversation at dinner about how they hate gore. so.

i looked at my resolutions from last year and they were just to stop biting my nails, and to get good grades. i've done pretty good in the grades area. my GPA was over 3.0 every quarter, and my overall GPA is up to 3.08. i didn't stop biting my nails, but i make that resolution every year. resolutions aside, 2007 was pretty cool. highlights(not in order): my niece turned one. i turned 21. my friends came back from living abroad. i lived with awesome roommates. i met some really cool people. (i wish i had met them earlier.) i met kimya dawson and saw her sing. sweeney todd. juno. hot fuzz. pan's labyrinth. grindhouse. hairspray. the host. lots of gory horror movies. seeing david cronenberg speak. some fairly cool classes. retaking organic chemistry and getting a B+. seeing a gray whale calf jump into the air lots of times. getting paid to go to the beach. at one point, simultaneously having three jobs. holding a tarantula, a millipede, and an australian walking stick. seeing lots of cool animals and actually knowing something about them. going to bars and getting hit on by old guys. getting into buffy. seeing "rocky horror picture show" in the theater.

there were some crappy times too, but i think those are less important in the long run.

i already know 2008 is going to be amazing for me. i am going to have so many cool stories by the end of it. so i'm not going to make any resolutions, but as for what i would love to see happen (besides all the cool things that are going to happen anyway), i would like to stop biting my nails (maybe this will be my year! lol) and lose 35 pounds. i went to the doctor and was weighed, and according to body mass index standards i am 35 pounds overweight. that puts me barely into the obese category. so i'm not concerned with being beautiful (i don't think i'm ugly, even if i am obese), but i would like to be healthy. i refuse to make that a resolution, though, because i don't have a definite idea what food is going to be in my daily life in south africa, and i don't want to limit my experience there in any way. i am sick of being overweight, though. i've been overweight for like, 10 years or so. i don't want to dread shopping. i don't want to dread passing mirrors. i don't want bad body image to limit my life, and even if i do lose 35 pounds and still have body image problems, i can say, well at least i'm healthy. and i think this year will be awesome in so many other ways, it would just be fitting if this year i finally lost some weight. BUT my top priority is to have a full experience in south africa.

so happy 2008 everyone!

new year's

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