
Aug 10, 2007 09:23

i had a really bad dream last night. my mom and i were going to a carnival-type thing. for some reason, they had to weigh us before deciding how much we had to pay to get in. so i stepped on the scale(very reluctantly) and it said i was 300 pounds! i turned to my mom and said "that's impossible!" and she said (in her angry, i'm-disappointed-in-you voice), "it's not impossible. you've been eating really unhealthily lately." :( :( :( once we got in the carnival, i ditched my mom because i was depressed. i don't remember what happened after that.

another dream having to do with my mom that i had a few days ago: anyone who died, no matter what they died from, would become a zombie. at the same time, there was a fatal disease going around that they hadn't found a cure for yet. my mom had the disease. there was this "research facility" that said they were researching a cure for the disease, and so my mom was sent there. (even though i warned her not to! but my dad really wanted her to go.) then it turned out that the "research facility" was really doing research on zombies, and used the people with the fatal disease as bait...because, you know, they're gonna die anyway, so they might as well be of some use. so my mom was chained up, about to be eaten by a zombie, and then i woke up.

just last week i was telling brittlepoetry that i used to have dreams where i had issues with my mom, but haven't had one recently. i guess now i have.

zombies, dreams, shayna

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