what is YOUR overall life satisfaction on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest)?

May 25, 2007 00:29

only two weeks left before finals. this is the time of year that i get jealous of all the semester people that are done already. i have so much to do. tonight i had to write a report about a beetle species (which was actually kind of fun to research...i got caught up looking at all the cool pictures of insects). then next week i have a final on wednesday (invertebrate zoology...they're giving us the final early), and my last midterm for organic chemistry on friday. i finally got my first midterm back, and i got an 87% on it! yay! i haven't gotten the second midterm back yet, but i felt pretty good about it, except for one mean question that was worth 11 points that i'm pretty sure i didn't get more than one or two points for. we have three midterms in that class, and one will be dropped (i'm assuming the lowest one). so that's nice. i just have a lot of studying to do this weekend. plus i have to sort lots of samples. ugh. at least it's a three-day weekend. then i have to work on my insect collection, which is turning into a lot of work, although it's one of the funner projects i've had to do.

yesterday i went to the ucen for lunch, and after i sat down these two girls asked me if i would do a survey for them. figuring it was for a class and that it wouldn't take long, i said yes. they started asking me questions like, what was my motivation to get through the day, what was my overall life satisfaction on a scale of 1-10(i said 8), what are some emotions that i feel daily, etc. so i got into a fairly personal discussion of myself. after a while they mentioned that they were from real life (the christian group on campus) and that they were trying to gauge the organization's reputation on campus. i kind of had a feeling...i felt like they were waiting for me to say "god" as one of my motivations. so after i mentioned that i wasn't a religious person, we got into a discussion of why we believe different things. i tried my best to explain what holds the unitarian universalist church together (a difficult thing to explain) and one of the girls told me about her journey to find god. i think they were disappointed when i didn't say afterwards, "wow that's great, i want to be a christian now", but they were very respectful, and not [openly] judgemental. it was kinda nice actually...i rarely get the chance to openly talk about why i believe what i believe to people who i know disagree, without any fear of repercussions. it certainly gave me stuff to ponder for the rest of the day. i actually thought of other stuff i wanted to say after they left...but it was probably better i didn't, since our conversation lasted for 45 minutes already, and i needed to go to work. i wish all religious conversations were like that...no yelling, no criticizing, just talking openly and educating yourself and others. if only. plus they got me talking about why i chose zoology and how cool science is, which i also rarely get to talk about.

i went home for mother's day. i ate lots of yummy food and saw relatives that i haven't seen in a while. i also saw "hot fuzz" and i highly recommend it, especially if you liked "shaun of the dead". it's the same style of humor, just replace the zombie movie jokes with cop movie jokes. :) i also saw "shrek the third" last week with lexi. um...it was kinda weird. i didn't like it. some people loved it though, so what do i know. to me it seemed like it was confused about what kind of movie it wanted to be. plus the characters are just stale after so long. those little dragon/donkey hybrids are almost cute, but not quite. and the ogre babies were creepy.

no more lost until next february. :( i was very impressed with the finale.

i haven't heard back anything about eap south africa. i was told that they would be in touch in a week or two to tell me if i need an interview...that was more than a couple weeks ago. maybe that means i don't need one? i hope so, i don't know how well i'd do in an interview. or maybe i should just be patient. yeah? yeah.

movies, religion

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