big long post

May 04, 2007 23:20

so i just watched "rabid", a david cronenberg film. when i got it i was thinking of the plot for "the brood", and so kept expecting mutant homicidal children. when i finally realized my mistake, the movie was almost over. it was still good though. many sexual overtones. it was a little obvious when one of the characters made a point of showcasing her sigmund freud book...i mean, come on. the basic plot(and there's not much to it)... is that a woman gets in a motorcycle accident and has a surgery done to her in which some skin from her thighs gets grafted to damaged areas, with the hope that it will differentiate and repair/replace damaged organs. instead it causes her to grow a "vagina-like orifice underneath her armpit which has a protruding phallus-like stinger" (wikipedia described it that way, not me). she uses the stinger to feed on the blood of people, who consequentially develop rabies-like symptoms that make them go crazy and bite others, which further spreads the disease. almost all the people she feeds on are men who try to have sex with her, into that however you like. although i'm sad it wasn't "the brood"(which i've read is even more gruesome), i still liked it.

i am almost ready to turn in my eap application on monday! south africa really seems within reach now! i'm trying not to get my hopes up too much though. i also have a lab practical on monday, and a reproduction midterm on tuesday. ugh. also, next week is a collecting week, so there will be lots of work. it's going to be super-busy. at least i am going home for mother's day, so i have that to look forward to. yay moms.

it's still early, but i've been thinking about this summer, and how for the first half(and possibly the second, if i decide against taking session b summer school) i will only have work (and probably volunteering) and no school to worry about. so i have the chance to read something other than textbooks. here is my list that i started:

1. the power of one, by bryce courtenay.
2. the varieties of scientific experience: a personal view of the search for god, by carl sagan.
3. the botany of desire: a plant's-eye view of the world, by michael pollan.
4. a brief history of time, by stephen hawking. (this might be a bit ambitious.)
5. guns, germs, and steel, by jared m. diamond.

notice the near lack of fiction. i guess i am officially a science nerd. there are still a lot of fiction books i want to read, but these are just what i've been hearing about lately. i've been thinking a lot about the role science and religion have in the lives of the general public, and how it all gets distorted, so people have a fear of science and secularism. i should add more african books to that list too. feel free to make suggestions.(in bold because i really mean it.) i'm looking to be inspired philosophically and intellectually.

speaking of fear of secularism, i've watched this video a few times now, i think because i'm still in shock over how much these people apparently hate atheists. that moronic debbie schlussel is the worst. if you look in the related videos, you'll find the follow-up from when cnn got lots of e-mails complaining that there was no atheist on their atheist discrimination panel. even in the follow-up, paula zahn is notably condescending, as if atheists are to blame for bringing hatred on themselves. then there's the priest who says atheists have no basis for morality and they are trying to impose their "godless lifestyle" on everyone. apparently evangelicals believe that freedom of religion means the right to force everyone to be religious, and atheists, by not shutting up, are trying to impose on this right. psh. if i think about it too much i get really angry, so i will keep it at that. goodnight.

movies, eap, rabid, books, atheism

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