Title: Five Times Jeff Doesn’t say “I Love You” to Chip (And One Time he Does)
Author: Mel (
Summary: See the title.
Characters/Pairings: Jeff Davis/Chip Esten
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Word Count: 8,824
Disclaimer: All fake. Nothing is true. No offense is meant to anyone in the fic or anyone reading. I’m just having some fun with them.
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First of all, let me just comment on a few of the non-fic related things. I'm curious as to how you found this on tumblr. Was it through a post on MY tumblr, or elsewhere?
In regards to the whole RPF thing in general... I definitely can appreciate where you're coming from. For the longest time I was very uncomfortable with real life shipping too, especially if one or both of the partners were with someone else already. It's not that I'm not bothered by it still, but I guess it sort of requires you to take a bit of a different perspective in that you recognize that while these people are based off of the real actors (in this case, Jeff and Chip), they are, ultimately, still characters. In no way do I wish Chip wasn't married, or that he would get divorced just so he could get together with Jeff. I suppose it's more of a thing where I love the hypothetical, you know? I like the idea of playing around with what-ifs, and even more, I like the idea of trying to make something believable that likely wouldn't necessarily happen in real life (even if it's still minutely possible), you know?
Anyway, that being said, I'm pleased that you felt I handled things in a way that didn't make you overly uncomfortable, and that you were able to keep reading :)
Thank you for all you kind words. Seriously, this response isn't enough to express my immense gratitude. I'm glad that you felt the characterizations were believable, and that the scenario I posited in this fic felt like an actual possibility. I always strive to keep things as realistic as possible, no matter what I'm writing.
Anyway, not to pimp my own stuff, but I have written several more Jeff/Chip fics, if you were interested in reading.
THANK YOU SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN! This review absolutely made my day :D
Ah, I'm not sure if it's your tumblr but here's the url: http://fuckyeahjeffchip.tumblr.com/. Saw it promoted in one of the posts I think? Glad I clicked on it :D!
Sorry if I sound like a 'newbie' but what does RPF stand for? /fails. And yes, I completely understand your rationale. That was basically how I managed to convince myself that real life shipping is as acceptable as shipping of fictional characters. I did try to justify it as fictional Jeff and Chip merely being characters mirroring their real life counterparts too, but it was more of a personal barrier which prevented me from truly enjoying related works back then. I guess a part of me is still worried about being judged by others when they find out about such a 'hobby' of mine. ^^;;. (The Asian society is still rather... Conservative.) It does take a fair bit of maturity to dissociate fantasy and reality in this case, and that is what I love about this fandom - The fact that it has enough sensible people who are able to tackle such a delicate issue with enough grace to allow both parties to breathe easy after.
It's lovely to see that there are still authors out there who take pride in the realism and accuracy of their pieces. :D I personally find the research involved draining and at times frustrating, so here's a toast to you for all your effort!
Ah yes, of course! I bookmarked your list of works then and look forward to reading them as the semester goes by. I'm saving them for the more dreadful days in which I will be in dire need of something to cheer me up. c: Good writing can definitely achieve that~
Glad to hear that! :D It's pretty much the least I could do~
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