Title: This Dark Road Will Lead Us Where We Want to Be
Author: Mel (
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers/Warnings: Everything up to and including 2x13
Word Count: 90,521
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine and I do not own them, much as I might like to.
Art Link:
Right here. But please note: THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR THE FIC IN THE ART!
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Another moment I completely loved, was when Merlin and Arthur couldn't decide who was going to go into the 'creepy house' first. That was SO true to character, I could easily imagine that happening on the show, with or without the bond. It was brilliant to read! Oh and not forgetting I loved the 'were-going-to-die' kiss at the end. That, again, felt very true to Arthur's character of getting almost hysterical before a major fight.
Brilliant story, as always! I am thoroughly enjoying reading it and can't wait to read more!.... even if that does involve their bond breaking. :(
I'm glad to hear you liked Arthur being able to actually feel Merlin's pain. I actually was trying to show that there was a strengthening of their bond following the sex, so hopefully that came across at least somewhat :). And yes... Arthur's an emotional cripple at times, which is why it's hard for him to deal with such powerful emotions when it comes to Merlin. But I think he's growning and learning and getting there slowly, hee! ;)
Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the next few parts!! :D
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