Title: Before the Sun Breaks Another Day -- Chapter 2
accordingtomel &
adelagiaSummary: Three months after her disappearance, Morgana returns to Camelot with a hidden agenda, but she's not the only one keeping secrets, and a series of unintended revelations forces her, Merlin and Arthur on an intertwined journey of revenge, redemption and love.
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur (elements of Leon/Morgana, Uther/Morgana, Arthur/Gwen)
Rating: PG-13 (eventual NC-17)
Spoilers/Warnings: Everything up to and including 2x13
Word Count: 5,572
Disclaimer: Not ours. No money is being made. Please don't sue.
Authors' Note: Once again, thanks so much to our beta/Brit-picker
Prologue & Chapter 1 Come and read
Chapter 2 here at