
Jun 09, 2012 03:33


ALIGNMENT: Monacello
RANK: Soldati

CANON SYNOPSIS: Luppi is a lanky-build, male Arrancar with a youthful boyish appearance. His skin has pale-olive tones and his hair is raven-black, pageboy-esque and mostly straight with asymmetrical bangs. His eyelashes are long and well-defined. It is unclear whether he dabbles with any sort of eye makeup or if they are in their natural state. There remains a piece of his Arrancar mask on the upper left side of his head, in the form of boney top row of teeth. His wardrobe consists of white Japanese hakama pants, a black sash-belt across his waist, a black-lined jacket (bearing skin) and black boots with mock-waraji sandal white markings. Two outstanding features of his wardrobe are his over-sized sleeves which cover his hands and cut-outs on the sides of his jacket which bare skin from his torso. His Arrancar markings consist of three notable pink diamond-shaped tattoos in the upper-left corner of his forehead and his Espada tattoo on his right hip. He carries with him a pink scabbard with a tanto zanpakuto mounted to his left side by two slits cut underneath the armpit of his jacket. When Luppi uses resurrección to return to his true Arrancar form, his appearance remains mostly the same. However, he sprouts eight tendrils from a carapace mounted on his back. His mask transforms into a bony helmet that retains the top row of teeth above his forehead and curved projections beside his jaws. Luppi's existence as an Arrancar is unique when compared to the others like him. His induction as an Arrancar left him in a strange position. His power was such that it outclassed some of the Espada that were currently seated. However, given the unique ranking system Aizen had in place - as ruler and ultimate decision maker of Las Noches - Luppi was unable to be anything more than an Arrancar in waiting. At this point Luppi did what he knew how to do best - loiter, pester others and brag about his power until the day came that he would hopefully take his seat as an Espada. The day did eventually come that he was given the title of Espada. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques ultimately lost the position as the Sexta Espada due to his arm being cut off by the Shinigami commander Tosen Kaname. This allowed Luppi to become the sixth Espada. He was brought in at a time when Aizen began his movements against Karakura Town and Seireitei. Luppi was directly involved in a second invasion of Karakura Town. During this time, Luppi met with a captain-level Shinigami and several lieutenant-level Shinigami. He haphazardly decided to take on all four of his opponents at once. He initially disabled the Shinigami captain Hitsugaya Toshiro relatively quickly with the release of Trepadora. He next took on the lieutenant-level Shinigami and briskly won the upper-hand by using Trepadora's vines. Despite this, ultimately Luppi's overconfidence and inattentiveness allowed Hitsugaya Toshiro to affectively disable him. Though battered, Luppi was rescued by the Negacion field emitted from Las Noches and returned home. Later, when Inoue Orihime is brought to the Las Noches castle, Aizen asks her to demonstrate her ability to reverse the properties of objects. Luppi was enraged by even the remote possibility that she could give Grimmjow his arm back. The implications were obvious to him. During this demonstration Grimmjow's arm was healed and his tattoo restored. Shortly after, Luppi was impaled by Grimmjow’s restored arm and then subsequently destroyed when a cero was discharged by Grimmjow which vaporized his upper half. Luppi has a brazen, immature and self-centered personality. He demonstrated his arrogance during the second invasion of Karakura town with his fellow Arrancar, by attacking multiple targets at once. He's often hasty and impatient when it comes to fighting. He chooses to taunt, provoke his opponents and overwhelm them with his released state. To him, the thrill of fighting comes from the fun of getting recognition for being the best and having done it with little effort. Luppi is rather lazy in most circumstances and usually prefers lounging around than fighting. His motto could be "If it's not fun, then you're not doing it right." When he's not lounging, Luppi can usually be found attempting to entertain himself in any way that he can. He can be rambunctious, hyper and loud when he's unrestrained and bored. Just as he doesn't take his fights seriously, he does not take relationships and authority figures very seriously either. In most circumstances he manages to get his way. He uses mock-coyness and overly dramatic speech to achieve this. When things don't pan out as he'd prefer, or if he feels threatened, he utilizes sarcasm and insults to minimize the source of his discomfort, thereby boosting his own ego. His childish immaturity shows in social circumstances and at times even with authority figures present. Luppi is rarely truly depressed. Subconsciously he feels less than perfect, and fears, and even envies his potential competition. Though not often depressed, he is not without his internal conflicts, as all Arrancar are. This contributes to his overall personality by keeping him consistently unfulfilled and void of something he can't explain. This is expressed through his search for fun and things which occupy him. ONORATA-VERSE BACKGROUND: Luppi grew up in a strict well-to-do Italian family. They often forced their Catholic views upon him - or tried to - which didn’t sit well with a stubborn child such as Luppi. From the moment he was born, Luppi was obviously different. He had a different way of seeing things and insisted that everyone else see them as he did. He was often the subject of taunting by other children his age. This was mostly because he had distaste for anything that required too much physical exertion. But, always being one for doing something different, his mother learned to twist his stubbornness enough to enroll him into activities such as dance, much to his father’s chagrin. Later - as Luppi reached puberty - his father would introduce him to soccer and firearms - activities that he saw as masculine and important to his son’s normal development. Luppi took pride in all the activities he participated in. In each one he excelled through practice that only came as result of his desire to be better than anyone else. Little changed from the time that Luppi was reaching his teenage years; he remained just as head-strong, individualistic and competitive as ever. He started experimenting with fashion other than what his parents provided him. His style was unique and often accented with varying color schemes. He chose to wear punk-style clothing and eccentric yet stylish attire that he could hardly afford on his limited allowance. His fashion sense was his first step at setting himself further apart from the rest of his city and his family. His next move would be to associate himself with other freethinkers that believed in what could be seen as anarchy. He had no need for the boredom that rules seemed to give him. He committed petty crimes and vandalized areas of the city during the night to entertain him and ruin the peace of anyone different from him. It was here that Luppi found a place where he truly fit in, amongst other vandals and free spirits that found no proper place in society. With them Luppi also acquired a set of three diamond-shaped tattoos on his forehead and a Japanese tanto sword kept in a pink scabbard under his left arm, which he prized for its usability and furthering of his unique look. He took many risks with his personal security during that time, including volunteering for an experiment with less-than-reputable scientists. At first the experiment seemed to practically destroy him. Every bone, muscle and tendon ached for days afterwards. He wanted revenge, until he discovered the welcomed accidental results. The experiment resulted in his agility increasing to a point that left him seeming lighter than air and faster than most people’s eyes could follow. His thin arms gave forth super human strength and seemed to pack behind them some sort of invisible force. It also changed his eye coloring to an inhuman violet shade and his hair an inky purple. He finished high school by sliding by and only accomplishing just enough to get passing grades. Academics were never really his forte. But Luppi was by no means stupid or naïve. His mind was sharp, his street sense had been bulked up by the end of his senior year and his strange abilities seemed honed. It was around this time that he joined a larger street gang and began to utilize his newly discovered powers and his pre-existing skills with firearms. His crimes became increasingly larger and more profitable, allowing him to suddenly acquire more expensive clothes, weapons and jewelry. Losing the support of his family for engaging in less-than-Catholic activities and lifestyle, Luppi finally left home and fled with a group of friends to the larger city of Reggio Calabria, where he set up permanent residence in a small apartment. He momentarily even gained one of the sixth highest ranks of his genetically-altered group. His ranked was denoted by an additional tattoo of the number six on his hip. But this rank was promptly lost in a brutal de-ranking that resulted in costly injuries to both his body and self-esteem, temporarily. This wouldn’t keep Luppi down for long, however. Instead of seeking blind revenge, he sought more power. Healed and nearly 19 years of age, he managed to gain the attention of the Monacello family for his high-profile criminal activities and rare abilities. His skill as a thief and genetically altered fighter were invaluable to the family. Upon joining them he knew he would finally have his taste of both power and fame. Although he never quite got over his arrogance and laziness, Luppi always took his skills seriously, even when he did not do the same with his fights. Anything he does must give him some sort of benefit. Otherwise, Luppi rarely takes anything as seriously as he should. He’s more often sarcastic, flighty and egocentric; only caring for those he can associate with on a personal level. 


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