Here are your finished requests + a bunch of other icons. Hope you like ^_^
Everything is shareable!
01-42 Requests (Person Of Interest, Arrow, Once Upon A Time, Agent Carter, The Walking Dead, The Knick, Doctor Who, Agents Of SHIELD, Big Hero 6, Jaejoong, The Little Mermaid, Fringe, The Avengers, Orphan Black, Galavant, Supernatural, Lost, Sons Of Anarachy, Chuck, Teen Wolf, Game Of Thrones, The Hobbit)
43-47 Supernatural, Lost
48-52 Once Upon A Time, The Walking Dead
haebin //
scoobyatemysnaxThe Hobbit, The Walking Dead x2 // Supernatural, Game Of Thrones x2
blighted_star //
vrncamrsOnce Upon A Time x2, The Little Mermaid // Chuck x2, Teen Wolf
setentpet //
violateraindropSons Of Ancarchy, Lost x2 // Person Of Interest x3
gallicka //
amyofaquitaineSupernatural x2, Once Upon A Time // Agent Carter, Agents Of SHIELD, Galavant
nightbulbs //
redbrunjaOrphan Black x2, Once Upon A Time // Arrow x2, The Avengers
adriftingsea //
lady_kingsleyDoctor Who, The Walking Dead, Fringe // The Knick x3
hamarakissa //
jaejungThe Walking Dead x2, Once Upon A Time // Big Hero 6 x2, Jaejoong
Supernatural x3, Lost x2
Once Upon A Time x4, The Walking Dead
If you take any, it would be awesome if you could credit
naginis or
accios! And comments make me happy:)