Jul 12, 2008 12:17
Ron Billius Weasley, having been raised with five older brothers, was very much into brooms, and toys, and chess.
And the subject of girls was not much of any importance. Quite frankly, he decided he didn’t like girls very much ever since the day of Aunt Muriel’s visit. His shabby stick of a broom and his Chudley Cannons hat (with matching pajamas) were the only true things that filled his six year old heart.
Girls, he concluded, were no good. All they ever do is cry and whine, and then cry some more after, just like Ginny. When they get all hot and bothered, they never cease to stop, girls.
Summer came, and so did Bill, his eldest brother. Coming for the summer holidays from that magical school, he brought stories about this girl, and he would talk endlessly about her without even drawing one single breath - nope!
And of course, Molly had a fit. She made a huge fuss about inviting the girl to come and visit sometime. Bill said no.
After that embarrassing episode, his views about girls changed, and they somehow fascinated him. He gave much thought about his perfect wife who’d have such long, shiny hair, orange eyes, and a kind of singsong voice just like the birds in the Burrow. OH! And she had to be a very good cook indeed.
When for some stupid reason he shared this secret with his mother, she immediately broke out into tears and showered him with her motherly wet kisses, quite similar to the ones that his great Aunt Tessie would give him.
“Oh, oh, oh, I can’t believe my little Ronnie’s actually growing up!” Molly sobbed.
Honestly, women.
Then the twins overheard, and life became a living hell. Childishly, he swore never to marry a girl in his life, even if she happened to be a Veela.