LJ Buddie Questionaire

Apr 11, 2009 11:15

So I kind of got inspired by supahhbad  here and decided that 'forcing' you all to do this survey thing was a good idea! :D It's great 'cause I'll be able to get to know you guys better. So I would be seriously grateful if you were to do this, thanks.

College or high school?
Top 5 favorite movies:
Top 5 favorite shows:
Top 5 songs:
Favorite Lyric/s:
What's something we have in common?
What's the craziest thing you've done lately?
What's a good book you've read, that i'd probably like?
What's the newest addition to ur ipod?
What's one of ur guilty pleasures?
Coke or pepsi?
Ron & Hermione or Harry & Ginny?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite thing about yourself?
Who is on most of your icons? and why?
Aim or Msn?
Favorite Food?
Post a random pic right here, it can be of anything.. a celebrity.. photography.. cartoon.. whatever.
Favorite Candy?
Shia LaBeouf or  Michael Cera?


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