Hinges, baby! Or: the Provisional Potions Classroom MOC... Part One: the CANONICAL CLASSROOM

May 13, 2024 03:38

A REVIEW and MOC (My Own Creation) in three parts...
This is the first in a three part series reviewing the official lego Harry Potter summer 2024 wave's 76431 Hogwarts Castle: Potions Class and introducing gingerwitch's (MOC) modification thereof.

Today we'll look at the source material, Snape's original Potions Classroom from the films, and try to nail down just what features make the room so recognisable. Like some of the rest of the castle, the classroom changed several times over the course of the films, which is part of why it can feel a little hard to "grasp". Let's take a shufti round the movie set first.

The rounded bit in the back:

The square bit to the left and Snape's 'uniform':

The square bit to the right:

Part of the square bit to the front centre, located right in front of the rounded bit (whose form is now better visible) in the centre rear. Slughorn's sleeve is just visible in the right of frame:

The width of the room may still make it difficult to picture, so here's the floor plan (interestingly enough, also seen through a "fish-eye" lens):

the very excellent pictures above of the WB set are from Karen Roe's 'The Making of Harry Potter 29-05-2012'

So with all that fresh in mind, a few things are clear about the canonical Potions Classroom design:
1) there are plenty of ingredients (in more than five hundred bottles) all along the walls in a very small assortment of jar types (there are basically three main types each relegated to a shelf of its own, with, again, few size variations)
2) the room has loads of ceiling arches, often gilded, with potions ingredients listed along them
3) ditto the window arches (which makes less sense as it's theoretically underground? above ground dungeons? 🤔 bygones. perhaps the windows are enchanted.)
4) there's a rounded part of the room, which seems reserved for the instructor, ...
5) ... complete with cast iron stove and occasionally an armchair
6) in front and extending beyond the sides of that rounded area are rectangular parts of the room where the students sit and work
7) their workbenches are square
8) assorted massive bottles line the floors and fill the areas under the tables

Up next: Part Two, What the official lego set gets right and wrong about the room.

lego sets, new releases, coming soon, harry potter, in the wild

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