Potions, Baby!! WooHoo!

May 03, 2024 04:11

We have more pix from the summer 2024 wave lego Harry Potter 76431 Hogwarts Castle: Potions Class - 397 pieces ($40)! Including a peek at the set folded together... The rear of the box gives us one look at it; the last picture here shows how it would slot into the 76435 Great Hall set. What to note about it: unlike the lavatory and the Hufflepuff Common Room, the set is then closed when folded together. The door can face outwards, however, so it isn't that it doesn't make sense, but it effectively can only be viewed or played with when it is not in the Great Hall set. given the number of people who complain about the inaccessibility or unplayablity (that's totally a word) of the 2021+ modular sets, I think I can predict that will meet with some displeasure. In as much as it won't collect as much dust, I can't say I mind it too much. The sliding feature means the modules are easily removed, the primary issue there is most of the ones they've designed are too open and prone to dust collecting, and storage of the modules is going to be an issue, particularly as they aren't stackable.

There are two 1 x 3 flat tiles on the centre base plate, presumably the opposite side we can't see uses the 1 x 3 jumper plate with two studs. This permits us to anchor the workbenches in a fashion that's easily removed to push it forward or set them off to the side for easier access for play.

There's a clip visible in the ingredients bench that doesn't make too much sense unless it's used to anchor the bench when the set is folded closed. There's a section of brick extending out from one of the arches to the left of the centre plate. On the box front art, it holds the new yellow flask piece, although that's more clearly visible in the first set up of the set somewhat further below. Snape's lectern rests on these bricks when the classroom is folded together. I don't believe it's used to hold the folded set closed, because I think it would need to extend into the massive cauldron's space to do so. That cauldron definitely seems brick built. I'm wondering why that was deemed preferable to the large cauldron piece they have?

Love Hermione trying to hand Snape a flower to try to get him to ignore the ten extra inches she included in her assignment. Love his "the hell is this?" look even more. 😆 (Anna Arvensis had no more luck with that than Hermione will.) For shame, Hermione! Bribery is thoroughly inappropriate. You could always just follow the instructions, you know... Just saying. (Swots unite!)

In addition to the new flasks and explosion / smoke pieces, I really like that they're giving us spiders in so many of the sets and in different colours. That will really make the Aragog scene, and it's such a small thing to do. Here it serves to both highlight the dungeoniness of the classroom or as an ingredient, if need be. I think that's great. 😃

lego sets, minifigs, cos, new releases, coming soon, ps

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