So since summer of my first year of college, whilst bored and tired of the terrible cliched YA books floating around, I have decided to venture into the world of historical fiction...and fell in love with Lisa Kleypas and her Wallflower series. Funny, witty, well-written...these paperback romances are more than the stereotypical "porn-books" that some people label these books. I've been buying Lisa's books online, and I've been trying to locate her earlier works from the 90s.
Now, she's publishing her newest book next year (after what I felt like the longest wait) called Rainshadow Road! It's one of her few modern-setting books. CH-CH-CHECK HER OUT, GUYS! and yep, I am one of "Lisa's Divas" - a group of select fans who share info & content related to Lisa's novels and get sneak peeks & swag in return.