Looking for an old fic. Please help!

Jul 12, 2015 16:47

Hello! I'm looking for a fic and it's driving me bananas! Unfortunately I read it years ago so my memory is quite vague.Sorry :-(

It's multichaptered and fairly long I think... It's marauders era and follows the boys pre-Hogwarts on. I'm not sure if it was ever finished or not...but it at least starts out with strong r/s friendship headed in the direction of romance... I think it got there eventually...?!? I believe I read it on ff.net.
All I remember for absolute certainty is that Remus was being physically abused by his father. (I think I remember something about a silver spoon...) and that after the moon/ mornings in the hospital wing he would spend some time in an extremely child like state and started to cuddle up with Sirius...
At some point they rescue Remus from his father and he... lives with the Potters...maybe?
Sirius may have also been in a physically abusive situation with his own family.

Wow that's not a lot to go on!! Hopefully someone can recognize it from these rather sketchy details because it will not stop bugging me!! I would be so grateful!
Thank you in advance!

child abuse, character:remus' dad, era:hogwarts era, cuddling, crying, remus:injured

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