Two requests!

Jun 06, 2012 23:32

Hello everyone. You've all been so helpful every time I've posted, so I figured I'd come here with my current needs; one specific and one more broad.

1) Any and all of the most heart-wrenchingly sad fics you can imagine. Like, I want to be on my floor sobbing at how sad the fic makes me. I know of a few, but I lost my masterlist with my old computer but anything that really breaks your heart, please send my way! My only picky requirements are that I don't like anything AU and I don't like anything that involved Sirius/James (or Remus/James, or any other random non-canon pairing that doesn't seem to fit) Thanks so much. <3

2) Also, there's another one that I haven't read in years, but I think it was like....little stories about Remus and Sirius from different people's points of view? Like probably many of the Order members, and definitely a few Hogwarts professors, I can't remember any of the context though other than each of them was remembering something about the guys. I want to say it's their memories of them as a couple, but I've no reason to believe that that's what the fic actually is. I wish I had more to go on. =/

Thanks so much for any and all help though! 
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