Feb 08, 2011 22:36
Hi all,
I'm looking for recommendations on good fics to introduce someone to the pairing of Remus/Sirius. I have a friend who's been interested in other (non-Remus or Sirius) HP pairings in the past but never believed in S/R, but now they're open to checking it out. I've assured them that the fics in S/R are good quality so I want to be able to represent.
So, more specifically what I'm looking for are:
*Fics where the characters seem really IC/the story is realistic
*Fics that are well written
*Avoid AUs where possible and also pure fluff or OOC
*Trying to stick close to canon or at least the original world
The era and length don't matter but if it's MWPP, it would be better if it was set later in the years rather than when they were super young. If there are any really good ones that show realistically how/why Remus and Sirius could have gotten together in as close to canon as possible, that would be awesome.
I know I've read some phenomenal fics that meet these criteria but of course I seem to have lost my links and/or can't think of any specific titles.
I didn't see this same request recently over here but if there was another one like this, I apologize and please let me know the post so I can go check out the suggestions there.
Help me pimp S/R to a currently non-believer! Any recs would be greatly appreciated... I want to be able to prove that Sirius/Remus can kick ass
recs:new to ship