FranticBabbles PDF Archive

Jul 13, 2010 20:20

I am still getting a few requests a week for PDF copies of the wonderful franticbabbles' deleted R/S fanfic archive, and I am seeing many other requests pop up in the comments on other posts in this comm. I, like so many other people, love these fics, and I want them to be available to whoever wants them, so I'm letting people know yet again that I am willing and able to email copies. Just comment with your email address, and I will get a copy to you within a week or so (I try to send them in large batches to save myself a little time).

I was also wondering if the wonderful community mods would do me the favour of creating an "author:franticbabbles" tag so that people who are looking for her stories will be able to find this post and get in touch with me, and so that I don't have to keep spamming the comm? Thanks!

ETA: Still taking requests via this post (September 2011).
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