I'm looking for a specific, angsty, heart-wrenching, multi-chapter fic I read months ago and never thought to bookmark or save! I think it was originally written after OotP came out but maybe before HBP or DH, since it went a bit non-canon after OotP events (e.g. Remus' death is non-canon, and I think Dumbledore was alive), but I could be wrong...
So, the story is told from Remus' perspective, as he's held captive and tortured by Death Eaters, and hallucinating that Sirius (or his ghost) is there. The fic switches between that and flashback scenes. There's a flashback to a Marauders-era scene where Lucius corners Remus and attempts to rape him (in a terrifyingly realistic "hey f*ggot I'm gonna teach you a lesson" kind of way), but Lily discovers them and saves Remus before it happens, and they never tell Sirius because they fear he'd kill Lucius openly (or... something like that). There's also a non-flashback scene where, on the night of a full moon, the Death Eaters put Seamus (or maybe it was Dean?) into Remus' cage. And there were also some really tender and sexy flashbacks with Remus & Sirius, which only add to the heart-wrenching aspect of the whole story. Aaaaaaand then Remus dies at the end.
If anyone can link me to this fic you will earn my undying love. ♥
ETA: Nevermind,
I found it! Any other suggestions for well-written, non-AU, R/S angst? Hott sex scenes included among the angst is a bonus.