Oct 05, 2005 18:22
I'm looking for fics in which Harry finds out about Remus and Sirius' relationship.
It could be them telling him, or him finding out by mistake, whatever is fine.
I've read a couple around, but I'd like to read more, so as to form a kind of "list" with them.
Thanks in advance! :)
found out by harry
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Comments 8
Lord of Misrule is really nice, I like the different structure.
And How to Tell... is simply awesome, I cracked up all through it! LOL!
Thanks anyway you guys! :)
and a comic to accompany it: http://studiosilence.free.fr/shape_hands.htm by emeciel
Thanks for pointing me to it!
I read it a long time ago, can't believe I forgot about this story... Remus' attitude is quite sexy here ;)
Thanks again :)
miraminx's The Visit, for one. Then... aaah, there is another one like that, but the link's not working anymore. :(
I loved Harry spending the full moon with them.
Thanks so much! :)
Do you remember at least the title of the other one you mentioned?
BTW, cute icon :b
You def. deserves cookies for the suggestion!
Even if her best one, I think, is Redeeming Time. Oh, dear.
No, sadly... I've got it saved at home, though (I tend to do that in case links go down, like now ;P) and I meant to search for it, but I didn't have the time. Tomorrow I should be able to tell you something more, though. :D That was also a story I'd liked a lot...
Thank you! :D
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