oh look, more requests

Nov 12, 2007 18:52

Ahaha, I know I JUST asked for some stuff...but now I'm addicted again and want more fics!

So, any recs for...

1.  Fics where Sirius and James are together, and Remus is jealous (but of course Remus and Sirius end up together ^^)

2.  Time travel fics?  I just read Before the Moon Rises (Remus/Hermione)--which is really good <3--and I haven't read any other time travel stuff for a while, so I'd like more.  Anyway, any pairing is probably okay (I've never read an R/S time travel fic, are there any?  How would that work, anyway?).  Also, this is a very random idea, but reincarnation fics?  I've never read any, but if you have any recs...
I wonder, are there any fics with time travel from the epilogue-time (3rd gen) back to either Harry's time at Hogwarts or MWPP era?

Thanks a bunch!  *gives out cookies ( :: )*

EDIT:  One more I forgot:

3.  Truth & dare (with or w/o veritaserum).  I've read a few but I can't remember their names...

All MWPP era would be nice (except time travel, of course).

time travel, game:truth or dare

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