FOUND- Looking for post-GoF one-shot with Harry

Aug 06, 2017 18:28

I'm trying to remember a fic that's very old. It might have been written pre-OotP. It was written by someone who was popular back in the lj heyday, and it was one of my favourite fics, but I can't remember the author or title. I'm also not sure if it's on the internet anymore. It was one of two fics that were similar- they were written about the same time, were similar length one-shots, and were both about Harry spending part of his summer at Lupin's after GoF. Sirius and Lupin were both there and were an established couple, though Harry only found out during the fic. One of those fics was called He Said it that Knew it Best and had Harry finding out that Remus was secretly a romance writer. I'm looking for the other one. The only real thing I remember is that Harry was there during the full moon, and because of how the Wolfsbane potion made Remus harmless, Harry was able to run around at night with the wolf and Sirius's dog form. Does anyone remember this?

EDIT- Well, yay, I just happened to stumble upon it. It was The Visit by miraminx.

coming out:to harry, character:harry potter, era:lie low at lupin's

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