(no subject)

Jan 27, 2009 00:22

Mal: Do you want to run this ship?
Jayne: Yes!
Mal: Well... you can't!


So I'm directing this show.

And after promising not to get walked on this time(as I have in past experiences with this group)... I'm finding footprints on my back again.

Though, strangely, not from the person I expected them from.

The one person who told me to make sure I stand up for myself is now treating me like a misbehaving child that needs constant supervision.

I'll grant you that my personal creative process can be a messy one, and organisation and deadlines have never been my strongest points.

But having my stage manager hovering over me, constantly checking in on my "progress", talking to me in condescending tones, all but ridiculing me in front of my teenaged cast...

I've been having something of a crisis of confidence as of late, and this most certainly is not helping, no matter how much she'd like to think it is.

So I've come to a conclusion.

I need to Mal up.

Time to pull on the tightpants and remind folk who the Captain is around here.

At least as far as my part of the production goes...
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