Okay, these are my resources, because I've had a funny feeling all along that my list would get too long to stay in my user info, and... well, let's just say, I didn't want to wait until that day came.
It's very likely that I overlooked someone or another, so if you know that I used something of yours, feel free to comment on one of my posts and I'll make sure to add you.
Brushes and Textures:
*NOTE: I get a lot of my textures/brushes from
freshmakers, so if I use something that came from a poster over there and I forgot to credit here, please tell me! I don't wish to cheat anyone of their due credit.
colorfiltergenderisabellecsany_otherdayewanismbombayiconsgrrliz_iconsnardasarmy or
iconistas (not sure which to credit, in that case) ^.^
wash_when_dirtyanais_dirgescarsonchesthexiconsawmpnoctuidae_hakanaidreamsshapeshiftesqueyuzurenaiseline_bennetcolortoneluminicityamethystia100ellipticasanami276_atomic_cherrycrazedicons__jukeboxxarisuboxunmasked_icons77wordslookslikerain_iconographercolorsetdieaku Screencaps/Other Images
thephotoboxcap_itteh_indycrumblingwallsgendersnowflakie06I also get many of my hp images at the www.mugglethai.com gallery.