-Some links I wanted to remember, arranged in a semi-coherent format for your pleasure

Sep 03, 2005 17:14

Have spent a large portion of the day browsing Fark, LJ and Encyclopedia Dramatica articles about relief efforts, New Orleans¹, batshit crazy raving fundies, Kanye West, and W². Conclusion: Everyone is a fucking moron³ - each in their own special way. Am thoroughly depressed now.

May the Flying Spaghetti Monster† have mercy on us all.

¹Link not recommended for the extremely stupid. May contain punditry, parody and unfocused wrath.
²Pshw. It would have been too easy to link to this or this or this.
³Including me, no doubt.
†No, really. How sad/excellent is it that this is the most reasonable thing I've seen all day? Or ever, perhaps.

links, w, batshit crazy raving fundies, ed, flying spaghetti monster, katrina, asshats

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