Dec 29, 2009 21:41
Yesterday afternoon, a Tamer here, Noir, was attacked in Tetha by various...hostiles. He was knocked off Tetha by a blue-skinned creature I've never seen before. I've been told it's called ADR-01.
I...ask DATS's help in searching for him. His D-Comm isn't bringing up any response.
event: timeskip,
life: grieving,
friends: noir
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Can you give us a more detailed description of events, however?
Let me take it from here, Gaia. Don't worry. I'm her partner. Noir's D-Comm broadcasted a distress signal and we went running. Gaia and I tried to fend off this being called LOT, while some of the others - Yu, Shade, and Terra, I saw - dealt with other hostiles in the area. I didn't get a good look at them. Anyway, during the fight we lost track of Noir and found him after he'd knocked this ADR-01 creature off Tetha. That...thing came back when we weren't prepared and tackled him off. I think it...stabbed him too.
[Little sniff from the back, sounds like Gaia.]
...I tried to get to them, but they were falling too fast. I couldn't find either when I reached the ground. They went through a string of trees.
... did the fat man look like this?
[attached: picture of Gluttony]
And can you identify anything else about the other assailant?
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