A Lifelong Relationship

Apr 04, 2008 14:01

It's the first Wednesday o' da month!(or at least, thats when I wrote part of this) And you know what that means....
TPN Post!!!!! *crowd goes wild*
OK, anyway....before I get any more ADD, here are my notes:

-Easter should be the most celebrated holiday for Christians
  >It shouldn't be the only time we think about and praise the fact that we serve a risen savior.
John 15:1-6
(v. 4) - If we're not abiding in Him, there's in purpose in it
(v. 5) - Without Him, it's nothing
          -Any way you understand that verse, that's how He meant it
    -Make Him your reason for living
John 19:1     >the crucifixion story as told by Aaron<
-This is what He went through; the entire time with His eyes on the Gather saying "not my will, but yours"
  >The crucifixion and russurection is the most important even in history, without which we would be doomed
    >>Easter should be a lifelong celebration
-He should be #1
  >We serve a God that demands to be at the top of our life
         Nothing should get in the way of that
John 20:1-8, 30-31
     HE NEEDS TO BE #1
-We live in a world full of distractions
  >Don't prioritize your life where it doesn't put Him first
    >>Ask Him to show you what your priorities are
           If you ask, He will show you, and you must be ready to change
                He will open the door, but you still have to make the choice
-Once He's in the right place, everything else will seem less important, and fall in to the right place


God has really been speaking to me about putting Him first, and building a personal relationship with Him.  He's been showing me how important it is to have that first. When all is said and done, what do you have left?  Your relationship with Him.  Every friendship, relationship, etc. should be based on not the relationship between each other, but how you connect through Him.  He's the glue that holds you together.  And He's some pretty strong glue. ;)
In a world where you're pressured to have a boyfriend or girlfriend constantly, a lot of people get so focused on that, that their focus isn't where it should be.  With people pairing off around you, it's harder to be OK with your "singleness".  That's something God's really put on my heart lately.  God has you where you are right now for a reason.  And a good one at that.  So take the time to build a strong relationship with Him.  It should be your #1 priority.
In order to have success in any relationship, what's most important?  Communication.  So, talk to Him.  Talk to Him everyday.  All day.  All the time.  And don't only talk to Him, like some giant vending machine in the sky.  LISTEN.  God doesn't shout.  He'll talk to you in the smallest ways through things you would never expect.  This world is full of distractions that are constantly trying to pull our focus away from Him.  Our focus should stay on Him now and forever.  Keep your eyes and ears open.  He's always speaking to you. 
All you have to do is


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