This is just a repost from tumblr, but in case anyone was unaware - in two months I'm going to be hosting a fannish book club reading of Robin McKinley's Sunshine! There will be lots and lots of feelings and fun and anyone who wants to should spread the word and come and ~join us~
How is this going to work/How do I participate:
- Starting Saturday, January 11, I will make a post on my LJ once a week. I’ll post a link to my tumblr., and I’ll make sure to tag it with “sunshine book club.” So if you aren’t following me/friends with me on LJ and want to participate, you can just track the tag and go to the weekly post using that link.
- ANONYMOUS COMMENTING WILL BE ENABLED. I want to stress that if you don’t have a tumblr? Don’t have an LJ? Still want to participate? Go for it! Just don’t be a dick, or I’ll have to turn off the anonymous commenting, and that would make me sad.
- The only problem with “Sunshine” (not that this is an actual problem, this is just me whining about logistics) is that it isn’t broken down conveniently into chapters, which meant I made this face when trying to figure out how best to space it out >:(. I eventually threw up my hands and was like, okay fine, we’ll do this by page numbers. I own the mass market paperback version of Sunshine, so that is where the page numbers will be coming from. If you have another version and want to know what the heck I’m talking about, shoot me a message and I’ll tell you. I’m thinking a total of 8 weeks, which averages out in my copy to about 50 pages a week**. If anyone thinks that to be an unreasonable pace, lemme know soon (like, in the next couple of weeks) so that I can make the necessary adjustments.
- IF ANYONE IS UNABLE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON A COPY OF SUNSHINE BUT WISHES TO PARTICIPATE, theprokaryotekid has a PDF copy and has kindly offered to email copies to persons who cannot find a copy by January.
What do I do/say in comments on the LJ post?
- Anything. Seriously, want to do serious literary analysis? Do it. Squee about your favorite character? Please do! Swap recipes? I personally will be all over this.
- If you don’t think you have anything to say you’re welcome to just read through the comments, but I promise stuff like this is more fun if you participate in the discussion.
Question? Comments? Concerns? Thoughts? My askbox is
here, or you can comment below.
**It might be 45 one week and 65 the next, depending on how the chips fall. I’m going to do my best to keep it around 50 pages a week, but the way the book is organized is against me, here.