New People, Hi!

Aug 30, 2013 16:30

So there was a friending meme over at home_ice, and I added a bunch of people. If I missed anyone, please comment and let me know?

A little bit about myself: you can call me Tina, I'm a 22 year old graduate student in engineering. I live in L.A. but I grew up in Houston and did my undergraduate in Fort Worth, so even though I live in California now I'm still and always will be a Texan. I like reading, storytelling, and music, I can't draw anything more than stick figures, I guess I write okay.

Speaking of writing, I have *looks over at drafts folder and winces* three separate Hockey AUs I'm writing and a fic for Avengersfest. I need to learn to stay away from AUs, except I keep coming up with new ones that would be so awesome and wanting to write them! It's a problem. Anyone else have these issues?

intro post, about me, hockey rpf, welcome

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