DragonCon schedule

Aug 22, 2008 08:04

Below is a list of my DragonCon commitments:

PANEL: Funny As Hell
Friday 5:30 pm - 6:30PM

Description: It has been said that humor and horror are flipsides of the same coin. This panel will spotlight the ways in which authors mix the unsettling with the uncomfortably funny.

PANEL: Mondo Zombie
Saturday 10:00 pm - 11:00PM

Description: Because you demanded it - the long-awaited presentation on zombies in literature! A panel of writers talk about how they have used the icon of "the walking dead" in their creative works.

Sunday 5:30PM - 6:30PM

PANEL: Today's Filmmaker--Big Productions or Indie
Sunday 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Description: How does an average, everyday Joe like me break into the Hollywood market? Or, the Indies? Listen to these filmmakers and screenwriters tell you how.
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