SGA 5x16 (Brain storms) thoughts (spoilers)

Nov 22, 2008 11:32

Parts of that episode rocked. Parts of it made me want to cover my head with a blanket, plug my ears, and go "LALALALA." It's like they couldn't decide whether they wanted an episode where Rodney saved the day and got the girl, or a moral tale about the environment.

The parts that rocked:
Keller and Rodney together are so exponentially better than Rodney and Katie ever were. That opening scene was pretty cute and sweet. And I liked that Keller called Rodney on his belly-aching when really, she looked pretty darn nice in that dress.

As bad as I felt for Rodney (which is really bad) the physicist snark and bitch-slapping (both figurative and literal [go Billy Nye!]) was funny. Talk about a room full of hot air. No wonder the heat-sink didn't want to shut off.

Rodney with the axe. Mmmm. . .shoulders.

Rodney telling Keller that recognition is important to him, dammit. I don't think he would have ever done that with Katie. I also think it will be interesting to see if Keller is actually in love with him or "I love you as long as you change this really annoying/embarrassing part of you."

The parts that dragged :
All the sermonizing about working together to save the planet (and thus ourselves).

So what AU have they been pumping all of our extra heat to, exactly? Kind of a lack of thinking that all the way through (though that's hardly surprising).

The last five minutes (except for the part mentioned above). If the series ends with Rodney and Keller moving back to Earth together, we McSheppers may have to do what many HP fans have done - "epilogue, what epilogue."

sga:s5 thoughts

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