The Breen are Asgard!? Seriously!?
Yeah, that was. . .unexpected. And a pretty cool twist.
Actually, the whole episode was pretty cool. Though, did anybody else notice that we seemed to be missing a Colonel? A little odd, that. Oh well. The appearance of the Travellers only proves that the inhabitants of Pegasus know that when weird/horrible things happen Atlantis will know what's going on, if not be to blame for the problem. As much as I felt for Teyla being left behind, that really was the best choice. I also felt bad for Zelenka. I mean, talk about a crappy day. First the tower blows with you in it and then you get stuck trying to help a fifteen-year-old get everything out of a hodgepodge hyperspace engine. (Though the kid rocked.) That man deserves a bottle of the best vodka for that kind of service.
Rodney and Daniel continued to rock together. I loved that closing scene. Again, Daniel calls Rodney on his BS, but lets him continue being himself. The writing for them was really good. They're great heroes together, and I swear Daniel was channelling Jack in the room with the device with his "Hurry up. Pick the right one."
And then there's John. Whose dating skills apparently never evolved past middle school. Honestly. I think Katana thought so too. Though I may just be projecting. Also, I really think they could have gone for a wider angle when topless John was talking to Teyla in the infirmary. For purely cinematic reasons, of course.
I do have to give the writers credit for giving us villains who make sense. Yes, what the Asgard did was horrible and their disregard for other life stunning. But I could see their argument, and understand where they were coming from. Todd's actions (as much as he still counts as a villain) were also pretty logical. While I don't understand why the ship he came over in couldn't have destroyed the facility (not enough fire power?), I do get how he came to the decisions he did. Both of those archs were well done.
Keller and Ronon really didn't click they way they have for me in other episodes, and poor Ronon at the end. That's probably the only time he'll turn down food. And Keller just seemed (understandably) confused. I think most of us have had to stop a romance before it starts, and that whole situation just sucks.
And now, my fellow-McSheppers, I think it is pretty clear at this point that we must prepare ourselves (gird our loins, if you will) for the show and thus the canon to end with Rodney "getting the girl." We can fix it later. Yeah. (And it really isn't that I dislike Keller or think she and Rodney will be absolutely horrible for each other. And I do want them to be happy. I just think Rodney would be happier with John. Really.)