Unless you asked me.
1) She with the non-middle-nameness. Chloe has no middle name. She was originally supposed to be named Hedwygn Regina (don't ask...) but her father saved her from that fate. He couldn't find a nice middle name that sounded right with Chloe and O'Brian, so he decided she didn't need one.
2) Mummy Dearest. She's not on speaking terms with her mother, who is and was verbally abusive to most of the family, both Chloe's and her own parents and siblings.
3) Social Life? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ha. *glare* She was very nearly in a consumated marriage. Again with the not asking...
4) ANDREW LIEK WOE. Andrew is, contrary to popular belief, not the same age as Chloe. She entered high school two years prior to him, and when he entered, he was about twelve. Yes, he was a genius. So is Chloe, but the whole social awkwardness that would ensue with an eight year old in the freshman class would be bad for the self-esteem of the pizza-face in homeroom. And who wants that, honestly.
5) Military Connections. Father: Marine Base Police, retired, stationed at Camp Pendleton, San Diego.
Uncle: Staff Sergeant, retired, stationed out of Camp Pendleton, San Diego.
6) BUY ME A PONY. Angela is not Chloe's daughter, she never dated Chase, and for the sake of all that is good and holy, do not say that Chase and Angela will be just fine. No, they won't. Angela needs a good mommy. Be it Kim or some other girl that Chloe deems sufficient to date Chase.
7) Sisterly Love. Chloe has an older sister named Elanor. Who has a husband and three little girls. Chloe is the doting aunt as far as she is concerned. They still live in Dublin California, where Chloe was born and grew up.
8) Speaking of which. Her father and uncle were both born in Dublin, Ireland. Her father's name is David George O'Brian and her uncle's is Fergus Peter O'Brian. Their sense of humor is somewhat lost from Chloe. Her sister seems to have inherited the comedic genes.
9) She can handle things, she's smart. It's not like everybody says, the dumb, are smart. And she deserves respect! I don't know where that quote comes from, I heard it on the radio. She can handle tough situations. She's actually fired a gun a few times. But she doesn't like it.
10) Chloe don't need no stinkin' therapist. Unless you count that time in high school. Which lasted about ten years.
11) WTFOMGPOLARBEAR. Chloe's biggest fear? Kittens. Small, adorable kittens. And puppies. Cute ickle puppies. Teh Kewt Hurts Her.
12) K-I-S-S-I-N-G! She does not french kiss. Ever. She thinks it's gross.
13) And in the Name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. She was Confirmed in the Catholic Church by a bishop, but she hasn't been in a Church since her father and uncle's funeral.
14) And the award goes to... Chloe acted in one play in high school. She was a tree. As in, she held up a cardboard tree.
15) Don't judge a book by it's cover. Chloe's favorite books from her childhood are in fact the Chronicles of Narnia. Her favorite band is NKOTB Lynard Skynard. Shut it please.
16) Job Opportunities. Chloe's first job, at the age of 14, was secretary to her aunt at the ladies auxillory. Whatever the hell that is.
17) Deadness and stuffs squelchy! She will talk to people about their own uncomfortable to talk about subjects, but just try and pry uncomfortable stuff out of her. I dare you. No, really, I need the entertainment.
18) If not for this, then this. If Chloe hadn't gotten into CTU, she and Chase would have been in the business of law. THANK GOD FOR CTU.
19) Chase, yeehee! Chloe can't wait for Angela to be a teenager, then she can mess with Chase's head. Chase was a friend of Chloe's prior to CTU. And that's all I gots. For now.
20) Guns don't kill people... Chloe did not do well on the in the field portion of her training only because she didn't want to. natch.
21) Milliways. It's like a meat market, only, with made-up characters! mmmmmghostysex No, she does not have a crush on Sawyer. She's not sure exactly how she feels about Bill, save for the fact that she wantstomakemanyred-hairedbabieswithhimliekwhoa respects, and is intrigued by, him. Charlie reminds her of Andrew for their oddities. And yes, she does need to meet and makes better friends with women.
22) And hey now, while we're on the subject. Other women, generally, confuse the hell out of Chloe. Simply because she isn't a normal woman per se. And no, she's not a lesbian.
23) We all have issues. It's how we approach them that counts. Chloe does not drink for fear that she'll become her mother. She does not swear for fear of becoming her grandfather. She does not date much for fear of rejection.
24) LAST ONE Chloe's a Bottle Blonde. Chloe's self esteem is wonky. She has a high opinion of herself, but realizes others may not have such a high opinion of her and that tends to hurt her deeply.