And a dog makes . . . . THREE!

Mar 28, 2008 02:12

A fair amount of time has passed since I last wrote ANYTHING. And I apologize to anybody who still reads my blogs for falling off the face of the earth. But I have a good explanation: five months after PCSing to Italy, my laptop went KAPUT! Yep, it died and took quite a bit of my pictures of Turkey with it. And I have been procrastinating on buying a new laptop and mp3 player (yep . . . that died too) but I will replace them once my back-pay for BAS catches up with me.

Anyways in this paragraph I'll attempt to fill you all in in what's been happening in my life for the last past six/seven months. I got caught up in a whole ass-load of drama (guys, friends, work) while I was still trying to settle in. Then I bought my first car (which was really cool because I was able to pay off the entire amount just from my savings), and then a month or so later I messed up the car :( (it still works, it's just not as pretty). When I finally started feeling at home in the dorms I got promoted to Senior Airman and was given the opportunity to move out and live anywhere I wanted to. I put off house hunting for a while because living in the dorms was very convenient (I was able to walk to work everyday, I got free meals, didn't have to pay any bills). But then the fire alarm started going crazy, it went off almost once or twice every week at 1-3 am, then my neighbor started to have really noisy parties late at night and I decided 'F this, I'm leaving!' I found a beautiful one bedroom, two story house and I've been living there peacefully ever since. And as for traveling, so far I've been to 3 other countries: Slovenia, England, and Ireland.

Well now that that's out of the way, I have even more news to write about: I'm getting a dog. Luckily for me I have one of the BEST LANDLORDS in the Aviano area, and she's willing to let me have whatever type of pet I want. Getting a dog wasn't an easy decision for me to make since I'm such a big cat fan, but my situation is this: I'm dating Jeff. Jeff is allergic to cats (I probably should have asked him this BEFORE I decided to commit myself to him in a relationship).... It's a cat person's nightmare come true * :( sigh :( * but that's how things are. Jeff means a lot to me, and if being with him means I'll never own another kitty then that's something I'm willing to live with.

Anyway since moving to my house I've always felt that there was one thing missing. It wasn't until recently that I discovered what that something was: A pet. And I guess Jeff has been feeling that too because as soon as we got back from Ireland we've started seriously talking about pets. Cats were out of the question, and Jeff didn't like my idea of getting a bird or hamsters or rabbits, so that only left dogs (any of you out there who think FISH are real pets are just kidding yourselves).

Now here comes another bit of surprising news: we decided to get a BULLDOG. My only excuse for this is: COMPROMISE. At first Jeff really wanted a GREAT DANE (It's Scooby Doo!) but I put my foot down. I'm not a big fan of dogs to begin with, and if there's one type of dog that I really dislike it's BIG DOGS. I told him if we are going to get a dog, it was going to be a medium sized one (because I hate small dogs too). SO that only left 4 options: Beagles, Basset Hounds, muts . . . . . And bulldogs 0__o'' . . . Jeff didn't want a beagle, and there was nobody selling puppy Basset Hounds or Muts. . . So that only left Bulldogs and coincidentally a LOT of people were selling Bull puppies. So we found a dealer, and we're getting a bull puppy delivered to MY house this evening.

At first I was livid with Jeff because Bulldogs are as ugly as sin! They aren't cute and adorable at all. But after I did some research on Bulldogs, they don't sound bad at all. They actually are very friendly and laid back. Now I'm actually looking forward to owning one. I can tell Jeff and everybody who knows me is skeptical about how well I'll get along with owning a dog. But I'll tell you all this: before I owned a cat I didn't like them either.

In sixth grade when I found out my Mom was getting a kitten from her coworker I was very disappointed. All I knew about cats were that they didn't play fetch, couldn't be walked on leashes, and everybody I knew who owned a cat had mile long scratch marks on their arms and legs. I wasn't looking forward to owning a cat at all. I remember dragging my feet home the day I knew that cat would be in my house. When I came into the living room I remember seeing a ton of cat stuff piled up by the couch, my mom and dad watching my two sisters play with a tiny orange ball of fuzz (that was the kitten). And after spending one hour with that kitten I fell completely in love with it, and from that day on I was destined to be the biggest cat lover on earth.

I'm sure the same will happen with me and this puppy . . . Even though it is a bulldog puppy. I'm not exactly THRILLED about owning a bulldog, but I'm going in with an open mind and a lot of patience. Raising a bulldog sounds difficult, one of their personality traits is that they are willful and stubborn (just like my Jeff!). I just hope I can be a good owner and a good trainer.
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