Oct 23, 2005 15:28
In Greek mythology Pandora (meaning "all gifted") as the first woman on Earth.
She was made in heaven by Zeus and the gods to bring havoc to man.
Zeus and the gods bestowed upon Pandora extreme beauty,
intelligence, unquestionable sensuality and insatiable sexuality.
Thus equipped she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus
with a box which was to be kept intact and never to be opened.
Epimetheus gladly accepted her, although cautioned
by Prometheus to be ware of Zeus and his "gifts".
How right Prometheus was to be and
Epimetheus should have taken heed to his brothers words.
Zeus wanted to punish Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus
for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven
and giving it to man and to punish man for accepting the gift.
Well.......as you all know women are essentially curious creatures.....
Pandora wanted to know just WHAT was in the box.
So ....what else can a woman do.....*wink*
she seduced Epimetheus into allowing her to open the box.
As the lid of the box was opened, to their dismay and horror
a multitude of plagues were released to create chaos upon hapless man.
Danger, anger, love, tears, death, envy, spite, joy, revenge
were scattered far and wide upon the earth.
Truly horrified Pandora slammed the lid of the box closed
trapping inside the last remaining item, Elpis (eternal hope).
Remoseful, Pandora locked the box and vowed to keep it safe forever more.
So remember, when times seem as though they are
just too much to bare....never ever give up....after all.....
we still have hope.