Inception - a great movie, although I don't know if I want to watch it again in theaters. But I'll buy the DVD, that's for sure.
Meant to write a longer review, but my brain wouldn't work on it right now - and especially since I've found what to use my tumblr for. I've owned a tumblr account for months, but I really don't know what to do with it. Twitter and Plurk have kept me occupied, and they're sufficient for me to exchange news and jokes and whatever with my friends. Some people do really amazing things with their tumblrs -
festivewind for instance - but mine... mine is for...
Hahahahah. So it's kind of like role-playing, with me being Tunnel Rat, posting G.I. Joe-related stuffs (so I won't really spam my plurk anymore? Haha). So here it goes:
I'm Your Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. :D