Edsa, one of my most talented friends ever, made a sculpture based on my design of Dhritarashtra (for
vanessa-kudu's Karma Slave project). It's still in progress, but you can see how beautiful it is already. Thank you Edsa!
Drool over it, Ness. LOL.
And now time for some meme!
1. Leave a comment to this entry - it could make sense, or it could just be the first sentence crossing your mind.
2. I'll ask you five questions in response, so that I'll get to know you better.
3. Answer my questions at your personal LJ.
4. Keep the thing going by explaining the rules, asking and answering.
I answered
janegray's questions:
1)What's your favourite female character in books?
I have several; I like characters like Kitty (from Bartimaeus' Trilogy), Tess (from Horatio Lyle) and Lyra (from Golden Compass trilogy)
The sort that doesn't whine much -- the ones who are strong, not moulded in a stereotype of damsel-in-distress.
2)What's your favourite pairing in videogames?
Suou Tatsuya x Amano Maya in Persona 2. I know that many P2 fans choose to pair Tatchan and Jun, and as far as I know, Tatchan x Jun is as canon as Tatchan x Maya, but I just love the younger male character/older female character relationship between the two. It's just so cute in my eyes.
And to be frank, I know this sounds silly, but even up until now, almost a decade after I played the game, I sometimes still think of myself as a Maya who's still looking for her Tatchan.
3)What job would you like to get one day?
I would really love to be an artist/writer who spends time just writing books, making art, and traveling around the world. I would die happy then.
4)If you could visit one country for a week, what country would you choose?
Italy! No, I picked this country not because I just wanted to sound all nice with you,
janegray, I swear! My sister and I have been dreaming of going to Italy for years. When Goenawan Mohammad, a famous writer in our country, said that his favourite place on Earth is 'Trevi, a village in Italy', we went 'AAAAAAAHHHHH!' When we watched The Thief Lord, we said to each other, "How I wanted to visit Venice one day!"
No wonder that one of our favourite TV programs is Avventura.
5)If you could spend 24 hours with one character from any videogame/manga/anime/movie, who would s/he be?
Suou Tatsuya. As long as he's not singing Persona Ondo.
But spending time with K' will also be very interesting.
So you see the pattern now: teenage boys with a troubled mind, a confusing past, and a problem with social relationship, LOL. (OK, Tatchan is not actually socially-troubled, but in P2: Eternal Punishment, you'll just wonder what happened to this kid, avoiding people and all that.)