Jul 11, 2006 10:57
Oh I’m so so so so happy that Italia won the World Cup 2006. I’ve been waiting for so long. I’m relieved that I one day can see Pippo, Alex, and Peruzzi retire from football - knowing that they’re the champions of the world already!
But I have to give kudos to France too - they’ve struggled hard to reach the Final. David Trezeguet looked so sad after the penalty shootout was over that I really wanted to hug him and told him that it’s OK. And I’m also proud that the French team has shown the true spirit of ‘Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité’ and that the French are also proud of them - so eat that, Jean Marie Le Pen, you ultra-right racist! (By the way, Frank Ribery is a muallaf - he converted to Islam!)
Things that still puzzle me:
- Why Zidane, why? Is it true that Marco Materazzi called you ‘a terrorist’? If yes, then he deserves more than one Zidane head on his chest. I will gladly give him a kick or two. By the way, does anybody want to buy Materazzi's Bible to Psy War? LOL.
- Mengapa Totti berdandan seperti maling ubi sewaktu mau menerima Piala??? Sekarang gue dan adik gue berkhayal kalau di tepi Olimpico ada petak ubi bertuliskan ‘PETAK UBI PUNYA PANGERAN TOTTI’.
BTW, I think FIFA is a more respectable and respected organisation than the UN. Tsk! The UN and its shitty Security Council and the vetoes! The US has vetoed another resolution against Israel. Pah! Human rights my arse! No wonder the organisation’s called UN in the first place - because it’s UNprotective, UNjust, UNfair, UNimportant, and perhaps we should change the word ‘impotent’ into ‘UNpotent’.
Just got a text from Iqbal: the Israeli troops have surrounded the Dome of Rock (the Al-Aqsa Mosque). How could they. How could they? How can the West let it happen?
If any of you here still support Israel, then you're simply crazy, get me off your friendlist and tell me so I can do the same to you, thank you.
JPM is moving to Nascar in the next season. Well, at least he can crash any car he likes :P
Meant to write a lot of things, but I’m in a panic mode right now. My docent, Bu (Mrs.) Ani is hospitalized because of hepatitis, while her assistant, Mas Insan, is in Way Kambas National Park. This gives me headache. Oh my thesis!
the world at large,
world cup,