Jun 01, 2004 11:13
Let me just start off saying, I'm very grumpy, tired, and could kill. Now on to my weekend...
Friday: Friday was payday, had some extra money left over. And had hopes of upgrading my 900mhz computer. Had the cash for it, everything was looking up. Got the bills caught up, and everything was looking good. Untill I was slapped in the face with abunch of medical bills. WHAT THE FUCK!!!! My pure fuckin luck. This got me down, for a short time.
We then went to Southtown Mall, picked up some running shoes for Justine. She is really determined to getting in shape, which is great. Good luck. My two kids were abunch of little shits in the mall.
We then go and pick up the Mother in Law and take her out to dinner to Chili's. That went pretty well, except for my oldest knocking his cup of soda onto the floor, which splashed soda all over the place. I'm sure the family behind us didn't mind getting sprayed with soda. Let's not forget my other son picking gum off the bottom of the table and showing us.
Justine went off to work, and the Mother in Law watched the kids. Went out with Jim for the evening. Had a good time with that. Played pool for two hours. Which for some reason, I played just horrible. Couldn't get into my grove, and just didn't play too well. We then hit his work to show it off. Then his place for some beer and to play chess. God, haven't played chess in years. That was alot of fun.
Saturday: Don't remember too much about the afternoon. Saturday night, me and Justine went for night. Went to Red Lobster to dinner. Went to Jc Pennies for some pants, and didn't do much. Picked up the kids from my parents. Went home put them to bed. Had a friend over for a movie and to hang out. Didn't end up going to bed till about 5am which really sucked donkey balls. Since I had work at 10:30am.
Sunday: Work, boring slow day at work. Nothing exciting
Monday (Memorial Day): We dropped the kids off with the Mother in Law, and they went swimming. Me, Justine, and John went to Souper Salad for lunch. We then went up Big Cottonwood, and did a simple little hike up there. Simple little hike that almost kicked my ass, and my legs are sore from. God what a fuckin pussy I am. The hike we did was up to Donut Falls. Took some pictures from that, those are coming soon.
We then picked up the kids, and went back to our house. Busted out the BBQ, and grilled up some mean ass food. Some of the best food I have cooked up on the damn grill. After stuffing our faces, we watched Blackjack on tv. Justine then steals my idea and wants to go to Wendover.
Now let me just add something here. I must have mentioned the word Wendover about 30 times over the weekend. And the 30 times I mentioned that word. All I got was 'the look'. But shit when Justine mentioned, everything thought it was the world's greatest fuckin idea.
So were going nuts, getting our shit together. This was at 9:00pm, one kid was sleeping. Plus I had work at 10:30am. Wendover is about 120 miles west of SLC. Drop the kids off, once again at the inlaws, then started our way out to Wendover. With 40 bucks in our pocket, we arrive at the Red Garter at around midnight. Our first 20 dollars between me and Justine lasted a while. I'm guessing for about 2 hours or so. Not bad, not great. The whole time we had 3 freaks at our table. Total flaming gay. I have no problems with gay people. But damn, these three guys wouldn't shut up. And it go really old, really fast. Then I hit a string of bad luck. Long story short. We were down to our last few dollars between the three of us. Between the three of us, we walked in with with 100...Walked out with 160. After making sure John broke even, dinner, gas, paying for the babysitter, we still didn't have jack shit for money. We just broke even. Left Wendover a tad before 5:00am. Got home at 6:30am. Up at 9:30 for work. And I"m totally fuckin fried right now.
Work has been busy for the most part, everyone showed up late, didn't show up at all, or went home early.