May 17, 2005 14:05
Had a pretty good weekend. Left work early on Friday, and we went to see Tragic Black play up at the Urban Lounge. That was alot of alot fun. We ran into my brother's ex-girlfriend (Angie), and that was totally shock. I was in shock from that all night long. Along with Jesse Struggle finally bringing me a copy of Negative Charge's demo. After 3 months of waiting, I finally have it. It's damn good, it was worth the wait.
Saturday, Justine was busy working all day long. I had a long day with the kids, and holy smokes, talk about them being full of energy. I also managed to replace the water line going up to the swamp cooler, since it appears that it cracked. I need to get around to replaceing the motor, pads, and cleaning the dirty water out of there. But I'm too poor. My replacement cell phone came also. We are still waiting on Justine's cell phone to come. I was sure if mine came on Saturday, and her's wasn't here. That it would show up on Monday, but still nothing. Maybe today it will show up.
Sunday on my way into work, I said, 'screw this, the weather is too nice for work'. I turned around, and called into work sick. I shouldn't have, I'm poor enough as is. Didn't really do too much. Went over to the inlaws for a BBQ. Then went over to Justine's friends house to hang out for a bit. Justine also cut my hair, and looks pretty damn good. Nice and short, about 1 1/2" short. All I need now is the black dye. Wasn't tons of fun, but it was better then working. But again, what isn't better then working.
Monday, was lame and boring. Just worked. Untill around 8:30pm when the power went out at work. And about 45 minutes after that, the phones died. Since the phones are on a battery backup. Power didn't come back on till around 10:15. But the phones were still all messed, along with the network.
I think tomorrow I'm going to buy some new pants, and maybe a pair of shoes. I don't know, we'll see what happens.