Mo Money!!

Oct 25, 2004 12:08

Justine decided that she wanted to go out to Wendover Saturday night.  So we didn't hit the road till 7:30pm Saturday night.  I got work 10:30 the next morning.  Wendover is 120 miles west of Salt Lake.  Also that night, they have male strippers for the ladies from Salt Lake.  As there husbands are on the deer hunt.  So it's busy as hell out there.

So we get out there at around 9ish.  With 50 bucks in our pocket.  That's 50 for both me and Justine.  Not a whole lot of money.  So start off at the Nugget.  That place was a freaking zoo.  It was nuts.  After finding a parking spot.  Walked inside, the place was nuts.  Couldn't find a spot at the tables.  Hit the slot machines for a bit.  With no luck there.  After about 30 minutes, we said, 'screw this let's go to the garter'.

So we hit the garter.  Played blackjack for  a bit, with not much luck.  So the three of us head on over to the slots.  And imo slots are fucking boring.  I hate em.  So I hit the blackjack table for a bit more.  Sat down played for a bit.  Started with 20 bucks in that session of blackjack.  After old ladies hitting on me, asking me if I was 'deer hunting'.  I decided to get up for a bit.  Walked away with 40 bucks.  Then went back few minutes later.  That 40 drops down to 30.  Anyway, this goes on for a bit.

Finally the three of us sit down at another table.  And honestly, this is where the night begins.

For anyone that doesn't know.  There's a thing on some BJ tables called the royal match.  At the garter where we were playing.  If you get a match (same suit your first two cards).  It pays 2.5 to 1.  Or something close to that.  If you  a king/queen same suite.  This pays 20 to 1.  So I'm playing 5 bucks on the actually BJ bet.  Then anywhere from 1-5 dollars on the match.  Doing pretty damn good.  Holding our money, making some extra.  Then here comes the big moment.  I hit the royal match with 5 bucks on it.  So yeah, that's hundred bucks.  I'm guessing I hit that around midnight.  And the dealer says, 'you know that we only allow one of those a night.'  The 4 25$ coins go right into my pocket.  I'm not touching that.

So we then go on and play some more.  At around 1:30 I'm guess.  We were down to our last few chips.  I'm ready to go.  So I'm thinking, 'fuck it, i'm ready to go.  we are up money, and I got work in the morning'.  Throw out the last 6 red chips at 5 bucks a piece.  Throw one on Justine's BJ bets and royal match.  2 on my BJ bet, plus 2 on my royal match bet.  The cards are delt, I look at my cards.  And just laughing, and say, 'hell yeah'.  And drop my cards turned up on the table.  King-Queen of spades.  200 DOLLARDS TO ADD TO THE 100 IN MY POCKET!!!  I think Justine got blackjack on that hand, and I won my hand also.  So we keep on paying for a bit.  With 300 in my pocket.  Bunch of red chips at one point.  I'm guessing at one point we were probley up 400 dollars or so.

Once the chips were gone that we had.  But the handful of 25 dollars chips in my pocket we called it quits.  That was at around 3am.  Didn't get home till 5:30, and bed till 6am  Then up at 9:30am for work.

Really fun time, best I've done in Wendover.  I'm sure we could have gotten a free room, if they had one.  The pit boss acted like she was wanting to give us one.  But with Wendover being so busy, she said there were no rooms to give out. 
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